Monday, January 5, 2009

Snowmist Shadowstalker

Twin of Snowshadow, she was born and raised in the mountains of pre-Sanctuary Demaria. Orphaned in their teens by the actions of Fagin the Pirate King, they soon moved to Nephthys Station where they put their natural talents to good use as freelancers, specializing in couriering and retrievals - of an illicit nature or otherwise. During various adventures, she became good friends with such notables as Khatri N'Sha-El and Jest'liana Warren, and participated in many momentous events that were to change the course of history for several worlds.

When the Kretonians invaded, she boarded Sanctuary with her then-Promised, Battleclaw Sharpeye Skygazer, who remained active commander and leader of the Demarian forces that went with them as part of the escort for Sanctuary. During the years that followed the ship's travels, they were bonded. Upon their return to normal space, centuries into the future, and discovering Demaria near-deserted but for scattered tribes and clans, they established New Alhira and Sharpeye was made Imperator. During their time as leaders of New Alhira, Snowmist gave birth to three kits - Wintermane, Nightshade, and Blacktip.

Snowmist and her family were driven into exile during the ATRV crisis. Where she currently resides is unknown, though close friends seem to still have ways of getting a hold of her when the need arises. It is, without a doubt at least, that she still occasionally maintains contact with the current Battleclaw of New Alhira, Silvereye Paintedheart, who had been a close friend of the family and a trusted member of the militia underneath Sharpeye's command.

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