Saturday, January 10, 2009

Penumbra's principles

A sip from his glass, then Penumbra gets up and walks to the window again. "Find a way to contact the developer on Waldheim, Samantha. Determine the amount they'd consider fair to proceed with development *and* leave you alone. Then get back to me."

Sage Evesviia seems amused by this direction for some reason and looks to Samantha for her response.

There's a long silence after that, before the sound of Sam's chair scraping backward announces her movement and she stands up. "And if I don't or can't?" she asks.

"If you don't or can't, that makes you a threat to my business and my personnel," Penumbra responds. "It's one thing to come work for me and start a new life without being hunted. But people who are actively hunted mean a major liability for me. I don't like liabilities, especially if they can be remedied one way or another to everyone's edification."

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