Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dribgib on the loose

Notice to Kamir Rift Refugees and Comorrites:

Last night we discovered that a group of Demarian kits stowed away several dozen dribgib chicks and eggs onto our vessels. Unfortunately the way that we discovered this was when many of the chicks broke out of their pens and fled across the Docking Hub. Most of the dribgib have been accounted for, but we ask that Kamir Rift Refugees and other station denizens refrain from eating or otherwise harming the birds. If you find a dribgib, please return it to the Demarian enclave in the Docking Hub or the Refugee Enclave in the Commorite Hub.

Though there are not enough of these birds to sustain a full population we hope that with proper husbanding and perhaps a little genetic magic we can begin to build the first alien livestock herds in Hiverspace. It's important that we seize every opportunity, even those given to us by accident.

(A picture of a dribgib is included for identification. Most of the chicks in the image look like runty, bewildered chickens with soft plumage and long necks. Their eyes stare vacantly around them, and a few flap their useless wings in vain.)

~For the Refugee Relief and Development Cooperative, Silvereye Paintedheart

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