Saturday, January 10, 2009

Necromundus Casting Call!

We’re seeking to fill the following roles on Necromundus as of 1/10/2009:

Abraham Lincoln: America’s 16th president who led the country through the trials of the Civil War.
Sir Galahad: Knight of King Arthur’s round table in Camelot.
Kurt Cobain: Grunge rocking lead singer of Nirvana.
John F. Kennedy: United States president who was shot and killed in Dallas in 1963.
Humphrey Bogart: Famous actor who starred in Casablanca and The Big Sleep.
Al Capone: Ruthless Chicago mob boss.
Princess Diana: Beloved British icon who died in a Paris car crash.
Death: Keeper of the peace in the central city of Necromundus.

Auditions are required!

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