Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Better safe than sorry

Fireeyes holds up his hand, "Avocet, I require a talk with you," Fireeyes glares around the room, "privately, and as soon as possible."

Avocet glances around at the sound of the command and fixes his eyes on the Demarian. "Excuse me?"

Fireeyes nods, "Yes. I require a talk with you."

Avocet says, "You...require?"

Fireeyes doesn't seem to understand the General's hearing problem, "Yes...require."

Avocet takes a few steps closer to the Demarian, clasping his hands behind his back, brow furrowing toward his eyes like stormclouds. "*YOU* require? Mister, last time I checked, you don't outrank me. You sure as hell don't have any years on me. *YOU* don't require anything of *me*, and I don't give anything I don't damn well want to. Now you can take your required talk and shove up your furry chute. Are we clear?"

Curtis smirks slightly.

Sondrix's brows *arc* at the Demarian. She however straightens her back further and merely observes silently.

Fireeyes holds up a letter, addressed by the President of the Consortium, "I do not. Be he does."

Avocet nods. "Then send President Dahan to see me. Him, I'll talk to. You can take a flying leap into a fusion reactor."

Strand watches the exchange impassively.

Warrick's brows, which have arched so high that they threaten to meet even his close cropped hair.

Fireeyes remains cool, "I am under his orders. And his orders require a private council between us."

Avocet says, "Do they? I'll have to confirm that, of course. And then I'll get back to you. Eventually."

Avocet turns and walks back toward Curtis.

Curtis is still smirking at Fireeyes.

Avocet looks down at his datapad. "I see your blood alcohol level wasn't too low last night either, Mr. Fireeyes." He does this without looking at the Demarian. Avocet glances slowly toward Fireeyes. "You aren't drunk now...are you?"

Fireeyes looks unmoved, "Avocet. I was ordered to be shown a good time."

Avocet nods. "I can't think of a better place for you to have fun than the medical bay." He looks toward Sondrix. "Let's allow our guest to enjoy the benefits of another blood test. Make sure he's healthy." - 1999.

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