Monday, March 2, 2009

Whose MUSH is it anyway?

We've been chugging along on OtherSpace for more than a decade with lots of staff-driven storylines. Feedback in recent months has pointed to a desire for players to see fewer universe-shattering events and more smaller plots.

I, on the other hand, have always been a fan of PLAYERS taking the lead on making things happen. However, they don't always have a good starting point in mind and fall back on letting staffers drive the story.

But now we've got Event Cards. I think these are going to be awesome. Players buy them with RP Points and then "deal" the cards to their staffer of choice. The staffer then builds an adventure on-the-fly using the cards as a source of inspiration. It creates a creative compromise, with both sides playing roles in an improvisational interaction. First, the player throws a challenge at the staffer, using as many as three cards. Then, the staffer throws the challenge right back to the player in the form of an exciting adventure.

With this system, players hold the power to determine the *kinds* of activities we run on the game. They can pick and choose staffers to handle their events. And staffers should get a lot of amusement out of juggling multiple cards and turning them into memorable adventures.

They should keep the storytelling fresh and inventive, with more even ground between what players expect and what staffers deliver.

Event cards ought to serve to really set us apart!


Ran Tiannai said...

Impliment the ones I suggested, dammit! :P

Wes Platt said...

I've got a bunch of other cards I'll be implementing, including yours. I'd rather wait and see how demand shapes up first.

Ran Tiannai said...

Tee hee. I'm just impatient! I wanna combo some of the ones I suggested sooooooooooo bad with some of the other ones. <3<3<3<3