Sunday, March 8, 2009

Event Cards - Clarification

It has come to my attention that some players are under the impression that the new event cards are required for *anyone* to do *anything*. For example, you might need the Hostage card to take someone hostage or the Kidnap card to kidnap someone, etc. Effectively, this would neutralize player initiative in the game world. That is *not* the intent, purpose, or function of event cards.

Event cards are intended only as a means of individual players to issue a challenge to a specific admin referee, providing fodder for a storyline that is generated in cooperative fashion. Let's say Player X can't be around for big storyline events but still wants to have their character get into adventures on their time schedule - event cards could help with that.

Sorry for any confusion! If you have any questions, feel free to ask via +str, @mail, or on channels if I'm around and conscious.

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