Thursday, April 23, 2009

OtherSpace: Worlds as characters

Recent discussion led to some interesting plans that are now afoot at OtherSpace in the coming months. Specifically, we're going to introduce worlds, created by players, as characters in their own right.

Players will create characters using the name of their world. They'll take the world through a special creation system - gee, maybe we'll call it Genesis or something cute like that. During creation, they'll choose what kind of planet they are and they'll get some initial points to spend on planetary attributes, which will control resources, inhabitability, etc.

The player behind the world must submit a "biography" for the planet. Once the planet is approved by the staff, the world object gets some quota to spend on building a few starter rooms. Additional rooms, colonization kits, etc., will have to be earned through RPP rewards - people who apply for planets are going to be expected to run their worlds like theaters, putting on shows and earning points as they go.

Worlds are also going to have access to special action cards, similar to those used by normal players. Worlds can play those cards on their own behalf (if it's some kind of boon) or against other worlds (if it's a calamity).

Anyone, even someone fresh to OtherSpace, will be able to apply for a basic uninhabited planet once this system comes online. However, it will cost 10,000 RPP to app for a civilized planet.

Stay tuned!

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